Submit a Job
Submit a job to our job boards. Individual opportunities are $15.00 each and will be posted within 48 hours of payment confirmation.
Opportunities will be posted for six months unless otherwise specified.
If you have filled a submitted position, you may email us and let us know to remove it or mark it as filled.
Simply fill out the form at checkout to submit your position!
Submit a job to our job boards. Individual opportunities are $15.00 each and will be posted within 48 hours of payment confirmation.
Opportunities will be posted for six months unless otherwise specified.
If you have filled a submitted position, you may email us and let us know to remove it or mark it as filled.
Simply fill out the form at checkout to submit your position!
Submit a job to our job boards. Individual opportunities are $15.00 each and will be posted within 48 hours of payment confirmation.
Opportunities will be posted for six months unless otherwise specified.
If you have filled a submitted position, you may email us and let us know to remove it or mark it as filled.
Simply fill out the form at checkout to submit your position!
If you are a registered donor, you may submit unlimited job opportunities from The Alliance Area. The Alliance of Women in Washington wine is unable to refund job-post submissions for registered donors that accidently purchase a job submission here, and we are unable to retro-actively refund submission fees for donors who register after submitting their job.